
Tunisia: Governatorati - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Ariana
  • Ben Arous
  • Biserta
  • Béja
  • Gabès
  • Gafsa
  • Jendouba
  • Kasserine
  • Kef
  • Kébili
  • Mahdia
  • Manouba
  • Monastir
  • Médenine
  • Nabeul
  • Sfax
  • Sidi Bouzid
  • Siliana
  • Susa
  • Tataouine
  • Tozeur
  • Tunisi
  • Zaghouan
  • al-Qayrawan
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

Here's a map quiz that challenges you to identify all 24 governorates of Tunisia. The governorate of Tataouine, (spelled differently from the fictional desert planet in Star Wars), is Tunisia's largest governorate. The Nabeul Governorate, a massive peninsula, is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on three sides. The Tozeur Governorate is a low-elevation area containing two large dry lakes. By collecting facts about Tunisia and working with this map quiz, you can memorize these 24 governorates with ease!

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