
Europe : les drapeaux (version facile) - Flag Quiz Game

  • Albanie
  • Allemagne
  • Autriche
  • Belgique
  • Biélorussie
  • Bosnie-Herzégovine
  • Bulgarie
  • Croatie
  • Danemark
  • Espagne
  • Estonie
  • Finlande
  • France
  • Grèce
  • Hongrie
  • Irlande
  • Islande
  • Italie
  • Kosovo
  • Lettonie
  • Lituanie
  • Macédoine du Nord
  • Moldavie
  • Monténégro
  • Norvège
  • Pays-Bas
  • Pologne
  • Portugal
  • Roumanie
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Serbie
  • Slovaquie
  • Slovénie
  • Suisse
  • Suède
  • Tchéquie
  • Ukraine
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This flag quiz game tests you on 38 of the most recognizable flags in Europe, but they’re not exactly what you’d call unique. You’ll see a lot of different colored crosses on either a red, white or blue field. Not sure which double-headed eagle is Albanian, and which is Montenegrin? Similarities among flags can make memorizing them difficult. This engaging geographic study aid has you covered—it will help you become a European flag expert with ease!

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Il gioco è disponibile nelle seguenti 36 lingue

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