
동남아시아: 국기 - Flag Quiz Game

  • 동티모르
  • 라오스
  • 말레이시아
  • 미얀마
  • 베트남
  • 브루나이
  • 싱가포르
  • 인도네시아
  • 캄보디아
  • 태국
  • 필리핀 제도
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When studying the flags of Southeast Asia, you’ll find the stripes, stars, and crescents used in so many designs, but there are instances of unique iconography as well. You can use this informative flag quiz game to pick them out. For example, the flag of Brunei features a parasol flanked by two hands. Cambodia’s flag depicts the Angkor Wat, a temple complex that is one of the largest religious monuments in the world. Facts like that are useful when you’re memorizing the Southeast Asian flags, and this engaging geographic study will help you become an expert with ease!

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