
آفریقای غربی: کشورها - Quiz Geografico

  • بنین
  • بورکینافاسو
  • توگو
  • ساحل عاج
  • سنگال
  • سیرالئون
  • غنا
  • لیبریا
  • مالی
  • موریتانی
  • نیجر
  • نیجریه
  • گامبیا
  • گینه
  • گینهٔ بیسائو
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Birth rates in West Africa are higher than anywhere in the world. Many of the countries there will double their populations in the next 30 years. To supplement geography facts such as these, it is nice to also know the locations of the countries. This map quiz game will help you learn all about this dynamic and exciting region.

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