
Avrupa: Şehirler - Quiz Geografico

  • Amsterdam
  • Atina
  • Barcelona
  • Belfast
  • Belgrad
  • Berlin
  • Bern
  • Birmingham
  • Brüksel
  • Budapeşte
  • Bükreş
  • Dublin
  • Frankfurt
  • Glasgow
  • Hamburg
  • Helsinki
  • Kopenhag
  • Kyiv
  • Lizbon
  • Londra
  • Lyon
  • Madrid
  • Marsilya
  • Milan
  • Minsk
  • Münih
  • Naples
  • Oslo
  • Paris
  • Prag
  • Roma
  • Saraybosna
  • Selanik
  • Sofya
  • Stokholm
  • Varşova
  • Viyana
  • Zürih
  • İstanbul
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No world civilization course is complete without extensive coverage of Europe. This free map quiz game is a great interactive learning tool that will add some context to lessons about Europe, and can also be a great way to increase student engagement. Extra credit for anyone who can get 100% correct in less than 90 seconds!

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Il gioco è disponibile nelle seguenti 42 lingue

Giochi con mappe