
Romania: Counties - Quiz Geografico

  • Alba
  • Arad
  • Arges
  • Bacau
  • Bihor
  • Bistrita-Nasaud
  • Botosani
  • Braila
  • Brasov
  • Buzau
  • Calarasi
  • Caras-Severin
  • Cluj
  • Constanta
  • Covasna
  • Dolj
  • Dâmbovița
  • Galati
  • Giurgiu
  • Gorj
  • Harghita
  • Hunedoara
  • Ialomita
  • Iasi
  • Ilfov
  • Maramures
  • Mehedinti
  • Mures
  • Neamt
  • Olt
  • Prahova
  • Salaj
  • Satu Mare
  • Sibiu
  • Suceava
  • Teleorman
  • Timis
  • Tulcea
  • Vaslui
  • Vrancea
  • Vâlcea
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There are a lot of unique geography facts about Romania. The country has the largest population of brown bears in Europe. In Mehedinti County you can find the statue of Decebalus, the largest rock sculpture in Europe. Of course, that assumes you know how to find Mehedinti County on a map. This geography game will familiarize you with all 41 of Romania’s counties. Play it as a classroom activity or at home, and you will be Romania expert in no time!

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Il gioco è disponibile nelle seguenti 16 lingue

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