
Pasaule: 25 lielākās pilsētas - Quiz Geografico

  • Buenosairesa
  • Daka
  • Deli
  • Džakarta
  • Guandžou
  • Kaira
  • Kalkāta
  • Karāči
  • Lagosa
  • Londona
  • Losandželosa
  • Manila
  • Maskava
  • Mehiko
  • Mumbaja
  • Osaka
  • Pekina
  • Riodežaneiro
  • Sanpaulu
  • Seula
  • Stambula
  • Teherāna
  • Tokija
  • Ņujorka
  • Šanhaja
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As of 2010, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. The metro area of Tokyo is estimated to have over 36 million people, and 22 other world cities have a metro population of over ten million. The geography game will help you learn the locations of the world’s 25 largest cities. If you can get all of these right on the first try, your geography trivia knowledge is impressive!

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Il gioco è disponibile nelle seguenti 41 lingue

Giochi con mappe