
أفريقيا: المدن - Quiz Geografico

  • أبيدجان
  • أديس أبابا
  • أكرا
  • إبادان
  • الإسكندرية
  • الجزائر
  • الدار البيضاء
  • القاهرة
  • بريتوريا
  • جوهانسبرغ
  • دار السلام
  • داكار
  • ديربان
  • طرابلس
  • كانو
  • كمبالا
  • كيب تاون
  • كينشاسا
  • لاغوس
  • لواندا
  • مقديشو
  • نيامي
  • نيروبي
  • هراري
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By global measures, Africa is the least urbanized continent in the world. Currently, less than half of all Africans live in cities, compared to 80 percent of Europeans and North Americans. However, Africa is also the most rapidly urbanizing continent in the world, and is expected to become over 50 percent urban in the next decade. Despite still being mostly rural, there are more than 60 cities on the African continent with a population of over one million. With over 20 million people, Lagos, Nigeria is the largest, followed closely by Cairo, Egypt.

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