
Словачка: традиционалне регије - Quiz Geografico

  • Абов
  • Братислава
  • Гемер
  • Долна Нитра
  • Долне Повазије
  • Долни Земплин
  • Замагурје
  • Захорје
  • Кисуце
  • Липтов
  • Новохрад
  • Орава
  • Подполонија
  • Подунајско
  • Сарис
  • Спис
  • Стредне Повазје
  • Татри
  • Теков
  • Туриец
  • Хонт
  • Хорехрони
  • Хорна Нитра
  • Хорне Повазије
  • Хорни Земплин
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The way Slovakia is divided up has been in flux since 1949. Based on the EU's criteria for local administrative units, Slovakia currently has just 8 regions, but there are 25 traditional regions, and those are what this quiz game focuses on. Picking up a few geographical details about each might help with memorization. Tekov is situated along the Hron river. Kysuce, located on the banks of the Kysuca river and surrounded by numerous mountain ranges, borders Poland in the north and the Czech Republic in the west. The Gemer region is located in the middle of southern Slovakia, near the Hungarian border. From Abov to Zamagurie, this quiz game will help you learn the location of all 25 Slovakian traditional regions.

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