
Europa: Fysisk kort - Quiz Geografico

  • Alperne
  • Atlanterhavet
  • Biscayabugten
  • Den Engelske Kanal
  • Den Skandinaviske Halvø
  • Det Kaspiske Hav
  • Donau
  • Gibraltarstrædet
  • Iberiske Halvø
  • Irland
  • Ishavet
  • Kaukasus-bjergene
  • Middelhavet
  • Nordsøen
  • Norskehavet
  • Rhinen
  • Seinen
  • Sortehavet
  • Storbritannien
  • Uralbjergene
  • Volga
  • Østersøen
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The physical features of Europe extend from the coast of Portugal in the west to the Ural Mountains of Russia in the east. Russia, of course, continues to stretch east on the other side of the Urals, but that mountain range has traditionally been considered the dividing line between the European and Asian parts of Russia. The Volga River, which flows north to south through Russia and to the Caspian Sea, is the longest in Europe, while the Danube is the second longest.

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