Istočna Europa: Zastave - Flag Quiz Game
- Albanija
- Bjelorusija
- Bosna i Hercegovina
- Bugarska
- Crna Gora
- Estonija
- Grčka
- Hrvatska
- Kosovo
- Latvija
- Litva
- Mađarska
- Moldavija
- Poljska
- Rumunjska
- Sjeverna Makedonija
- Slovačka
- Slovenija
- Srbija
- Ukrajina
- Češka
They say the red on Latvia’s flag represent the blood of a mortally wounded tribal chief. It may not be pleasant, but details like that can help you remember the flags of Eastern Europe. If you find a few memorable flag facts then use this engaging flag quiz game to make the visual connections, you’ll be an expert on Eastern European flags in no time!
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