अफ्रीका: ध्वज (आसान वर्शन) - Flag Quiz Game
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Recognizing 24 of the most well-known African flags doesn’t have to be hard! This flag quiz game is a quick way to memorize African flags. Morocco’s flag and Tunisia’s flag both feature a star, and both have a red background. Knowing that Tunisia’s flag also sports a red crescent can help you keep them straight! This engaging geography study aid will make it easy for you to nail down details like that and learn these African flags quickly!
あなたのハイスコア (ピン)
- Angola: Provinces
- Democratic Republic of the Congo: Provinces
- Egypt: Cities
- Egypt: Governorates
- Ghana: Regions
- Kenya: Counties
- Morocco: Regions
- Senegal: Regions
- Somalia: Regions
- South Africa: Cities
- South Africa: Cities (Difficult Version)
- Sudan: States
- Tanzania: Regions
- Tunisia: Governorates
- エチオピア:地域州及び都市名
- ナイジェリア:州
- リビア:地区
- 南アフリカ共和国:州