Vokietija: Federalinės žemės - Map Quiz Game
- Badenas-Viurtembergas
- Bavarija
- Berlynas
- Brandenburgas
- Brėmenas
- Hamburgas
- Hesenas
- Meklenburgas-Pomeranija
- Reino kraštas-Pfalcas
- Saksonija
- Saksonija-Anhaltas
- Saras
- Tiuringija
- Šiaurės Reinas-Vestfalija
- Šlėzvigas-Holšteinas
- Žemutinė Sachsonija
At over 82 million, Germany has the largest population in the European Union. The German language also has the largest number of native speakers in Europe. Within Germany, there are 16 states, but learning them all is easier when you have an interactive map game such as this. Take this geography quiz now and see how well you know Germany!
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