Noord-Afrika: Landen - Map Quiz Game
- Algerije
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek
- Djibouti
- Egypte
- Eritrea
- Ethiopië
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinee
- Guinee-Bissau
- Ivoorkust
- Kameroen
- Liberia
- Libië
- Mali
- Marokko
- Mauritanië
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Soedan
- Somalië
- Togo
- Tsjaad
- Tunesië
- Westelijke Sahara
- Zuid-Soedan
The equator cuts the African continent in half. The Sahara Desert engulfs the countries north of the equator, while those further south are tropical. This geography study aid is a good way to learn more about the countries of Africa. Using this interactive educational game you will increase your knowledge about this fascinating continent.
あなたのハイスコア (ピン)
- Angola: Provinces
- Democratic Republic of the Congo: Provinces
- Egypt: Cities
- Egypt: Governorates
- Ghana: Regions
- Kenya: Counties
- Morocco: Regions
- Senegal: Regions
- Somalia: Regions
- South Africa: Cities
- South Africa: Cities (Difficult Version)
- Sudan: States
- Tanzania: Regions
- Tunisia: Governorates
- エチオピア:地域州及び都市名
- ナイジェリア:州
- リビア:地区
- 南アフリカ共和国:州