Evrópa: Borgir - Map Quiz Game
- Amsterdam
- Aþena
- Barselóna
- Belfast
- Belgrad
- Berlín
- Bern
- Birmingham
- Brussel
- Búdapest
- Búkarest
- Dyflinn
- Frankfurt
- Glasgow
- Hamborg
- Helsinki
- Istanbúl
- Kaupmannahöfn
- Kænugarður
- Lissabon
- Lundúnir
- Lyon
- Madrid
- Marseille
- Minsk
- Mílanó
- München
- Napolí
- Osló
- París
- Prag
- Róm
- Sarajevó
- Sofía
- Stokkhólmur
- Varsjá
- Vín
- Zürich
- Þessalóníka
No world civilization course is complete without extensive coverage of Europe. This free map quiz game is a great interactive learning tool that will add some context to lessons about Europe, and can also be a great way to increase student engagement. Extra credit for anyone who can get 100% correct in less than 90 seconds!
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