Karību reģions: Galvaspilsētas - Map Quiz Game
- Bastera
- Bastēra
- Bridžtauna
- Džordžtauna
- Fordefransa
- Havana
- Kastri
- Kingstauna
- Kingstona
- Kokbērntauna
- Naso
- Oranjestade
- Plimuta
- Portofspeina
- Portoprensa
- Rodtauna
- Rozo
- Sanhuana
- Santodomingo
- Sentdžonsa
- Sentdžordžesa
- Veli
- Vilemstade
- Šarlote Amālija
There are over 7,000 islands scattered between the 25 island nations of the Caribbean. About half of those island nations are still considered dependencies; an arrangement dating back to the days of colonialism. Puerto Rico, for example, is an official territory of the United States, and Curacao is part of the Netherlands.
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