
110 Mayores países por área, capitales - Map Quiz Game

  • Abuya
  • Acra
  • Adís Abeba
  • Amán
  • Ankara
  • Antananarivo
  • Argel
  • Asjabad
  • Asmara
  • Astana
  • Asunción
  • Atenas
  • Bagdad
  • Bamako
  • Bangkok
  • Bangui
  • Berlín
  • Biskek
  • Bogotá
  • Brasilia
  • Brazzaville
  • Bucarest
  • Budapest
  • Buenos Aires
  • Canberra
  • Caracas
  • Ciudad de Guatemala
  • Ciudad de México
  • Conakry
  • Daca
  • Dakar
  • Damasco
  • Dodoma
  • Dusambé
  • El Cairo
  • Estocolmo
  • Gaborone
  • Georgetown
  • Hanói
  • Harare
  • Helsinki
  • Islamabad
  • Jartum
  • Kabul
  • Kampala
  • Katmandú
  • Kinsasa
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Kyiv
  • La Habana
  • Libreville
  • Lilongüe
  • Lima
  • Lisboa
  • Londres
  • Luanda
  • Lusaka
  • Madrid
  • Managua
  • Manila
  • Maputo
  • Mascate
  • Minsk
  • Mogadiscio
  • Monrovia
  • Montevideo
  • Moscú
  • Naipyidó
  • Nairobi
  • Niamey
  • Nom Pen
  • Nuakchot
  • Nueva Delhi
  • Oslo
  • Ottawa
  • Paramaribo
  • París
  • Pekín
  • Pionyang
  • Porto Novo
  • Pretoria
  • Puerto Moresby
  • Quito
  • Rabat
  • Reikiavik
  • Riad
  • Roma
  • Santiago de Chile
  • Saná
  • Seúl
  • Sofía
  • Sucre
  • Taskent
  • Tegucigalpa
  • Teherán
  • Tokio
  • Trípoli
  • Túnez
  • Uagadugú
  • Ulán Bator
  • Varsovia
  • Vientián
  • Washington (D.C.)
  • Wellington
  • Windhoek
  • Yakarta
  • Yamena
  • Yamusukro
  • Yaundé
  • Yuba

By any measure, Russia is the largest country in the world by area. With a land of over 17 million square kilometers, it is nearly twice the size of Canada or China, which are the next largest countries after Russia. It is so large, in fact, that its Asian portion is the larger than any country in Asia, and its European portion is larger than any country in Europe. Unlike China, however, much of the country is uninhabited.

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