
Avrupa: Ülkeler (resim versiyon) - Map Quiz Game

  • Almanya
  • Andorra
  • Arnavutluk
  • Avusturya
  • Belarus
  • Belçika
  • Birleşik Krallık
  • Bosna-Hersek
  • Bulgaristan
  • Danimarka
  • Estonya
  • Finlandiya
  • Fransa
  • Hollanda
  • Hırvatistan
  • Karadağ
  • Kosova
  • Kuzey Makedonya
  • Kıbrıs
  • Letonya
  • Lihtenştayn
  • Litvanya
  • Lüksemburg
  • Macaristan
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monako
  • Norveç
  • Polonya
  • Portekiz
  • Romanya
  • Rusya
  • San Marino
  • Slovakya
  • Slovenya
  • Sırbistan
  • Ukrayna
  • Vatikan
  • Yunanistan
  • Çekya
  • İrlanda
  • İspanya
  • İsveç
  • İsviçre
  • İtalya
  • İzlanda

Memorizing the European countries just got fun! This map quiz game features colorful cartoons that represent the country or region you click on. To see all the pictures, you’ll need to work your way through the whole map. But it won’t feel like work as the map fills up bright cartoons, and before you know it, you’ll be able to pick out all the countries of Europe!

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ゲームは次の 37 言語でご利用いただけます
