
缅甸:行政区划 - Map Quiz Game

  • 仰光
  • 伊洛瓦底
  • 克伦
  • 克耶
  • 克钦
  • 勃固
  • 孟邦
  • 实皆
  • 德林达依
  • 掸邦
  • 曼德勒
  • 若开邦
  • 钦邦
  • 马圭

Can you identify all 14 administrative divisions of Myanmar? This quiz game will make it easy and learning a few facts about the country will help too. The area designated Tanintharyi has long been disputed, with Burma and Siam involved in multiple conflicts over the coastline. Kachin features Myanmar's highest mountain, Hkakabo Razi. Karenni, in the eastern part of Myanmar, is home to Lawpita Dam, an important hydroelectric resource. For each of these areas, there's at least one interesting fact that can trigger your memory. If you explore Myanmar and work with this map quiz, you'll be able to locate the 14 administrative divisions in no time.

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