
Древні Цивілізації, Старий Світ - Map Quiz Game

  • Єгипет
  • Гана
  • Долина Інду
  • Долина Хуанхе
  • Зімбабве
  • Кхмерська Імперія
  • Месопотамія
  • Римська Імперія
  • Стародавня Греція

Printable scavenger hunt worksheet.Studying ancient civilizations can tell us a lot about how early humans interacted with their environment. Mesopotamia, a region that now includes Iran, Syria, and Türkiye, is the site of many firsts—it’s where humans invented agriculture, mathematics, and the wheel! This geography study aid will help familiarize you with the locations of all the major ancient civilizations. Over a period lasting just a few centuries, Ancient Greece advanced mankind’s understanding of science, mathematics, and philosophy. From the sprawling Roman Empire to the Southeast Asian Khmer Empire, with the help of this map quiz game, you’ll be able to identify where each of these ancient civilizations thrived.

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