
Eurooppa 1919 - Map Quiz Game

  • Alankomaat
  • Albania
  • Belgia
  • Bulgaria
  • Espanja
  • Iso-Britannia
  • Italia
  • Itävalta
  • Jugoslavia
  • Kreikka
  • Latvia
  • Liettua
  • Luxemburg
  • Norja
  • Portugali
  • Puola
  • Ranska
  • Romania
  • Ruotsi
  • Saksa
  • Suomi
  • Sveitsi
  • Tanska
  • Tšekkoslovakia
  • Unkari
  • Venäjä
  • Viro

This is Europe 1919—a map quiz that challenges you to identify the European countries as they existed just after World War I. There are some interesting differences between this map and a modern one. For example, don't look for Belarus, Ukraine, or Moldova—those nations were all part of Russia in 1919. Now, Czechoslovakia no longer exists, but it did in 1919; the sovereign state in Central Europe was created in 1918, declaring its independence from Austria-Hungary. It was peacefully dissolved in 1992 because of growing nationalist tensions in the government. Europe and the rest of the world have changed since 1919—this quiz game will help you take a step back in time to identify the countries of old Europe.(The European micro states, such as Vatican City State, Andorra etc, are not included in this quiz.)The map is a derivative work of: Themightyquill, Blank Map of Europe in 1920, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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