
Russland: Föderationssubjekte, Flaggen - Quiz z flagami

  • Adygeja
  • Altai (Region)
  • Altai (Republik)
  • Amur
  • Archangelsk
  • Astrachan
  • Baschkortostan
  • Belgorod
  • Brjansk
  • Burjatien
  • Chabarowsk
  • Chakassien
  • Chanten und Mansen
  • Dagestan
  • Inguschetien
  • Irkutsk
  • Iwanowo
  • Jamal-Nenzen
  • Jaroslawl
  • Jüdische Autonome Oblast
  • Kabardino-Balkarien
  • Kaliningrad
  • Kalmückien
  • Kaluga
  • Kamtschatka
  • Karatschai-Tscherkessien
  • Karelien
  • Kemerowo
  • Kirow
  • Komi
  • Kostroma
  • Krasnodar
  • Krasnojarsk
  • Kurgan
  • Kursk
  • Leningrad
  • Lipezk
  • Magadan
  • Mari El
  • Mordwinien
  • Moskau (Oblast)
  • Moskau (Stadt)
  • Murmansk
  • Nenzen
  • Nischni Nowgorod
  • Nordossetien-Alanien
  • Nowgorod
  • Nowosibirsk
  • Omsk
  • Orenburg
  • Orjol
  • Pensa
  • Perm
  • Primorje
  • Pskow
  • Rjasan
  • Rostow am Don
  • Sacha (Jakutien)
  • Sachalin
  • Samara
  • Sankt Petersburg
  • Saratow
  • Smolensk
  • Stawropol
  • Swerdlowsk
  • Tambow
  • Tatarstan
  • Tjumen
  • Tomsk
  • Transbaikalien
  • Tscheljabinsk
  • Tschetschenien
  • Tschuktschen
  • Tschuwaschien
  • Tula
  • Tuwa
  • Twer
  • Udmurtien
  • Uljanowsk
  • Wladimir
  • Wolgograd
  • Wologda
  • Woronesch
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Since 2014, Russia has been made up of federal subjects, designated regions representing the country's top-level political divisions, as defined by the Constitution of Russia. Each of these federal subjects has a flag, and this quiz game will challenge you to identify all 83 of them. There are some large federal subjects in the eastern portion of Russia, like Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Krai, and Yakutia, but having massive square mileage doesn't make your flag memorable! Try to link each flag's color combo and iconography to the location of its federal subject—this quiz will put you on the road to learning all 83 Russian federal subjects fast!

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