
Svizzera: Stemmi dei cantoni - Quiz z flagami

  • Appenzello Esterno
  • Appenzello Interno
  • Argovia
  • Basilea-Campagna
  • Basilea-Città
  • Berna
  • Friburgo
  • Ginevra
  • Giura
  • Glarona
  • Grigioni
  • Lucerna
  • Neuchatel
  • Nidwalden
  • Obvaldo
  • San Gallo
  • Sciaffusa
  • Soletta
  • Svitto
  • Ticino
  • Turgovia
  • Uri
  • Vallese
  • Vaud
  • Zugo
  • Zurigo
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Can you identify all the coats of arms of the cantons of Switzerland? This quiz game will make it easy. In addition to the standard stripes and stars, the bear, ram, bull, and lion adorn several of these icons, the history of which spans the 13th to the 20th centuries. The coat of arms representing the canton of Glarus depicts a halo-topped pilgrim; that of Geneva has half of a two-headed eagle. Every coat of arms has interesting symbols—if you explore what they represent and work with this quiz, you'll be able to identify all the coats of arms of the cantons of Switzerland in no time.

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 6

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