
Suecia: Provincias - Quiz z mapą

  • Blekinge
  • Bohuslän
  • Dalarna
  • Dalsland
  • Gotland
  • Gästrikland
  • Halland
  • Hälsingland
  • Härjedalen
  • Jämtland
  • Laponia
  • Medelpad
  • Norrbotten
  • Närke
  • Skåne
  • Småland
  • Södermanland
  • Uppland
  • Värmland
  • Västerbotten
  • Västergötland
  • Västmanland
  • Ångermanland
  • Öland
  • Östergötland
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Although Sweden’s 25 provinces have no real administrative function, they remain a means of cultural identification. Historically, however, they have played a major role in shaping the modern country. From Lappland to Skåne, this geography quiz game will help you learn them all. This interactive educational game is great for both teaching and learning about the geography of Sweden.

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 14

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