
Europa: Ríos - Quiz z mapą

  • Río Danubio
  • Río Dniéper
  • Río Dniéster
  • Río Don
  • Río Ebro
  • Río Elba
  • Río Loira
  • Río Po
  • Río Rin
  • Río Ródano
  • Río Sena
  • Río Tajo
  • Río Támesis
  • Río Ural
  • Río Vardar
  • Río Volga
  • Río Vístula
  • Río Óder
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Stretching nearly 3,700 kilometers, the Volga is the longest river in Europe. The Danube, which passes through four of Europe's capital cities, is the second longest. Playing this geography quiz game, you will learn their locations and many more of Europe's rivers. Being able to identify rivers is a great skill to learn if you are preparing for a geography bee or studying for a quiz in your geography class.

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 38

Gry na mapach