
Russie : les pays voisins - Quiz z mapą

  • Azerbaïdjan
  • Biélorussie
  • Chine
  • Corée du Nord
  • Estonie
  • Finlande
  • Géorgie
  • Kazakhstan
  • Lettonie
  • Lituanie
  • Mongolie
  • Norvège
  • Pologne
  • Russie
  • Ukraine
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As the largest country in the world by territory, Russia borders a diverse range countries. In the far east it shares a border with countries as distinct as North Korea, Mongolia, and China. Its western border stretches all the way over to Norway. Thanks to a small enclave called Kaliningrad, it even has a border with Poland and Lithuania. In total there are 15 countries that share an international border with Russia.

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 9

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