
Mundo: 70 países más poblados, capitales - Quiz z mapą

  • Abuya
  • Acra
  • Adís Abeba
  • Ankara
  • Antananarivo
  • Argel
  • Astana
  • Bagdad
  • Bamako
  • Bangkok
  • Berlín
  • Bogotá
  • Brasilia
  • Bucarest
  • Buenos Aires
  • Canberra
  • Caracas
  • Ciudad de Guatemala
  • Ciudad de México
  • Daca
  • Damasco
  • Dodoma
  • El Cairo
  • Hanói
  • Islamabad
  • Jartum
  • Kabul
  • Kampala
  • Katmandú
  • Kinsasa
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Kyiv
  • Lilongüe
  • Lima
  • Londres
  • Luanda
  • Lusaka
  • Madrid
  • Manila
  • Maputo
  • Moscú
  • Naipyidó
  • Nairobi
  • Niamey
  • Nom Pen
  • Nueva Delhi
  • Ottawa
  • París
  • Pekín
  • Pionyang
  • Pretoria
  • Quito
  • Rabat
  • Riad
  • Roma
  • Santiago de Chile
  • Saná
  • Seúl
  • Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
  • Taipéi
  • Taskent
  • Teherán
  • Tokio
  • Uagadugú
  • Varsovia
  • Washington (D.C.)
  • Yakarta
  • Yamusukro
  • Yaundé
  • Ámsterdam
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Of the world’s 70 most populous countries in the world, a large percentage are in Africa. That was not the case thirty years ago, when European and a few Asian countries dominated the rankings. Population growth rates in Africa are among the highest the world, meaning that in the near future even more African countries will enter the rankings. For that reason, it is a good idea to go ahead and learn the capital cities.

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