
Норвегія: Графства (-2019) - Quiz z mapą

  • Акерсхус
  • Бускеруд
  • Вест-Агдер
  • Вестфолд
  • Естфолл
  • Еуст-Аґдер
  • Мере-ог-Ромсдал
  • Нордланд
  • Оппланн
  • Осло
  • Ругаланн
  • Соґн-оґ-Фьюране
  • Телемарк
  • Треннелаг
  • Тромс
  • Фіннмарк
  • Хедмарк
  • Хордаланд
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Norway is the only Scandinavian country to border Sweden, Finland, and Russia. With such a large territory, you could guess that Norway also has a lot of counties, 18 to be precise; until 1918, they were known as amter. With this map quiz game, you will learn them all and significantly increase your knowledge of geography in the process. From Finnmark to Oslo, see how many you can get correct!

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 6

Gry na mapach