
Угорщина: Міста - Quiz z mapą

  • Бекешчаба
  • Будапешт
  • Веспрем
  • Годмезевашаргей
  • Дебрецен
  • Дунауйварош
  • Егер
  • Залаегерсег
  • Капошвар
  • Кечкемет
  • Мішкольц
  • Надьканіжа
  • Ньїредьгаза
  • Печ
  • Секешфегервар
  • Сексард
  • Сеґед
  • Сольнок
  • Сомбатхей
  • Татабанья
  • Шалґотар’ян
  • Шопрон
  • Ґйор
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The cities of Hungary capture early European history and culture in a fascinating way. Diverse in size and style, these cities are an interesting topic of study, and this map quiz game can help you identify them. Did you know that Sopron is one of several Hungarian cities that are part of the country's long tradition of wine production? How about the fact that Pecs is home to the famous Cathedral of St. Peter, which was built on the site of an ancient Roman burial chapel? Facts like that are useful when you’re memorizing the Hungarian cities, and this engaging geographic study will help you become an expert with ease!

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Gra jest dostępna w następujących językach 14

Gry na mapach