
Europa: Siluetas de países - Quiz z mapą

  • Albania
  • Alemania
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Bielorrusia
  • Bosnia y Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Bélgica
  • Chequia
  • Chipre
  • Ciudad del Vaticano
  • Croacia
  • Dinamarca
  • Eslovaquia
  • Eslovenia
  • España
  • Estonia
  • Finlandia
  • Francia
  • Grecia
  • Hungría
  • Irlanda
  • Islandia
  • Italia
  • Kosovo
  • Letonia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lituania
  • Luxemburgo
  • Macedonia del Norte
  • Malta
  • Moldavia
  • Montenegro
  • Mónaco
  • Noruega
  • Países Bajos
  • Polonia
  • Portugal
  • Reino Unido
  • Rumania
  • Rusia
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Suecia
  • Suiza
  • Ucrania
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Calling all experts on European geography! Can you identify 46 European countries based on their outline? Though some are more recognizable than others, the only country with a truly iconic shape is Italy. It's a good thing the countries vary so much in size…oh wait, scale won't help you here—Russia is depicted as being about the same size as the UK! If you're not a "border expert" already, you will be after you ace this challenging map quiz.

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Gry na mapach