
nehirler - Map Quiz Game

  • 亚马逊河
  • 伏尔加河
  • 刚果河
  • 勒拿河
  • 印度河
  • 塞纳河
  • 墨累河
  • 多瑙河
  • 密苏里河
  • 密西西比河
  • 尼日尔河
  • 尼罗河
  • 巴拉那河
  • 幼发拉底河
  • 底格里斯河
  • 恒河
  • 扬子江(长江)
  • 格兰德河
  • 泰晤士河
  • 湄公河
  • 科罗拉多河
  • 育空河
  • 莱茵河
  • 鄂毕河
  • 阿穆尔(黑龙江)
  • 麦肯齐河
  • 黄河

There are many rivers in the world, but none quite as impressive as the Amazon. Not only is it the world’s longest river, it has the largest drainage area and the fastest discharge rate. Even the Congo has an 80% slower discharge rate the Amazon, it still has the highest such rate in the world. In terms of length, the Nile is not far behind the Amazon, flowing through 11 modern African countries before it empties into the Mediterranean.

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The game is available in the following 26 languages

Map Games