
Francuskojęzyczne kraje: Flagi - Flaggspel

  • Belgia
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Czad
  • Demokratyczna Republika Kongo
  • Dżibuti
  • Francja
  • Gabon
  • Gwinea
  • Gwinea Równikowa
  • Haiti
  • Kamerun
  • Kanada
  • Komory
  • Kongo
  • Luksemburg
  • Madagaskar
  • Mali
  • Monako
  • Niger
  • Republika Środkowoafrykańska
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Seszele
  • Szwajcaria
  • Togo
  • Vanuatu
  • Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej
Funktionen kräver Pro Unlimited eller Elite

Can you identify these flags of French-speaking countries? This quiz game will make it easy. France, Canada, Switzerland—oui oui! Some of these flags are going to be easy to pick out. But did you know many African nations have French speakers? Take Rwanda, Chad, and Gabon, for example. Then there's Haiti, a Caribbean country, and Vanuatu, part of Oceania. If you work with this quiz, you'll be able to identify these flags of French-speaking countries easily.

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