
Dünya: Fiziki Harita - Geografispel

  • Akdeniz
  • Amazon
  • And Dağları
  • Antarktika
  • Arktik Okyanusu
  • Atlantik Okyanusu
  • Basra Körfezi
  • Cebelitarık Boğazı
  • Gobi Çölü
  • Grönland
  • Himalayalar
  • Hint Okyanusu
  • Mississippi Nehri
  • Nijer
  • Nil
  • Pasifik Okyanusu
  • Rocky Dağları
  • Sahra Çölü
  • Sibirya
  • Tuna
  • Ural Dağları
  • Victoria Gölü
  • Yangtze
Funktionen kräver Pro Unlimited eller Elite

At its most basic level, geographic knowledge includes being able to identify the most prominent physical features of the world. For centuries people have found ways to live in and around the world’s great rivers, mountain ranges, and deserts, giving us the unique cultures that we still have today. This quiz will give you a strong foundation in where those features are and help you learn more about the world we all share.

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